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People Like Us Can Be Humorous

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: People Like Us Can Be Humorous

I hate to break this to all you religious fanatics... but atheists and agnostics can look at life in a light way much like others. We can have good senses of humor; we can be wonderful spouses and parents and pet owners and employers/employees. We are much like the rest of you, except for our views about a higher deity. But our skepticism doesn't necessarily make us boring or sour-minded people. On the contrary in a lot of cases, boys and girls!

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July 14, 2008
Posts: 18

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: People Like Us Can Be Humorous
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exene wrote: I hate to break this to all you religious fanatics... but atheists and agnostics can look at life in a light way much like others. We can have good senses of humor; we can be wonderful spouses and parents and pet owners and employers/employees. We are much like the rest of you, except for our views about a higher deity. But our skepticism doesn't necessarily make us boring or sour-minded people. On the contrary in a lot of cases, boys and girls!

Great post. I agree 100%. That's why we started Connecticut Valley Atheists to try to promote a more accurate, healthier attitude towards us. We have a very active forum there too. Check us out.

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July 29, 2008
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.I completely agree. Lack of belief in gods or supernaturalism does not imply immorality in the slightest; it requires a person to be accountable for his/her own morality and actions without expecting a god to forgive or excuse immoral, reckless, and thoughtless behavior.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

exene wrote: But our skepticism doesn't necessarily make us boring or sour-minded people. On the contrary in a lot of cases, boys and girls!

Quite right!
Personally, I started "enjoying" religion only when I became atheist. You see, when you are atheist, you can watch religious acts in a care-free and light way, like a kind of cultural site-seeing. I have visited monasteries (there are great, and very ancient ones in my country) and engaged in some Muslim-related rituals, out of enjoyment and curiosity.

But I have to insist that none of this has any disrespect to religious people.

"See, this is why I can't get behind God. If He doesn't exist, fine. Bad crap happens to good people. That's how it is. No rhyme or reason, just random horrible, evil. I get it. Okay? I can roll with that. But if He is out there, what's wrong with Him? Where the hell is He while all these decent people are getting torn to shreds? How does He live with Himself? You know, why doesn't He help?"

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

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On the contrary, I find that the more "devout" a person is, the less likely they are to have a sense of humour.

But I have to insist that none of this has any disrespect to religious people.

I'm not sure I understand the necessity for your "no disrespect" disclaimer. I find it extremely hard to respect Bronze Age, Middle Eastern mumbo jumbo, particularly when it projectile vomits from a Western mouth.

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